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what is ecstatic dance?

Ecstatic dance is a conscious, free-form movement practice that fosters self-expression and a deep connection to music in a non-judgmental, community setting. Unlike traditional dances, it encourages participants to dance freely, guided by the music and their emotions, promoting inner exploration, healing, creativity, and spontaneity. No experience is necessary—come as you are and let the music move you! 

DJ Lionaura's Ecstatic dance experience

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DJ Lionaura hosts transformative conscious dance experiences designed to awaken your body, free your spirit, and connect you to a vibrant community. Through intentional movement and high-vibrational music, she creates a safe and uplifting space for self-expression, healing, and joy. 


Her DJ sets blend organic, downtempo beats with tribal rhythms, funk, ethereal melodies, and deep house vibes. Check out her Soundcloud profile for a sample of her music.


She loves to tune into the energy of the crowd, flowing from blissful, soothing tunes to heart-pounding drops. Her aim is to create a safe space where participants can release stagnant energy and trapped emotions, freeing their bodies and minds for a meditative, transformative experience.

Interested in hosting a community ecstatic dance class or a private party? Book a free consultation, and let’s create something magical together!

Benefits of Ecstatic Dance

Participating in ecstatic dance is a transformative experience that offers a multitude of benefits, including:

Physical healing

Boost cardiovascular fitness while also enhancing your flexibility, mobility, and coordination through dynamic movements that stretch and strengthen various muscle groups.  You will also release stagnant or trapped energy, restoring the  movement of qi throughout the body.

emotional healing

Safely explore and process difficult emotions, releasing lower-vibrational ones that may be stuck. This practice can help you let go of distressing thoughts, heal your inner child, and even connect to a trance-like state of theta brain waves, boosting your feel-good endorphins.

increase Confidence and self-awareness

Gain a deeper connection with yourself and recognize your strength and power. You will start to care less about what others think of you and feel more comfortable in your body, embracing your authentic self unapologetically.

Increase connection with others

Make friends and connect with like-minded individuals on a deeper level, giving you feelings of belonging and community. Your vulnerability also allows you to share your true self, forming more intimate bonds with friends, partners, or new acquaintances. 

Improve sleep quality and lucid dream

 The physical exertion, the removal of stagnant energy and negative thoughts, and the release of endorphins can heal insomnia and improve overall sleep quality. People have also reported lucid dreaming up to a week after an ecstatic dance event.

increase creativity

Unlock your creative potential by breaking free from conventional thought patterns. When you allow new ideas to flow freely, you give space for more innovation and imagination. Your intuition, memory, and learning may also be enhanced.


To create a safe and respectful space for all, please adhere to the following guidelines for our ecstatic dance events:

upcoming ecstatic dances



Monday - Thursday 4:00 pm - 11:00 pm

Friday - Sunday 11:00 am - 11:00 pm




PHONE: ‪(513) 817-9753

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